15/02/2009 10:04

APD 2000



Multi Functional X-ray Diffractometer.

High speed rate (1000°/min) and high precision angle reproducibility (±0.001°) provide fast measurement and highly reliable data. The goniometer is essentially composed of two precision gear-wheels, supported by high precision ball races. Each wheel is coupled to an anodised aluminium disk, upon which are turned some grooves for easy mounting of accessories.
Easy to handle: compact dimensions permit vertical and horizontal mounting by utilising a suitable optical stand.
The X-ray beam collimation is obtained by a series of fixed but interchangeable bayonet-joint slits that guarantee a perfect alignment of the beam in the horizontal direction, while in the vertical direction the divergence is limited by Soller slits.
The bracket of the incident beam slits, is mounted on the X-ray tube shield; this greatly facilitates the alignment, that is already simplified by the micrometric movements of the horizontal and vertical stand, about X-Y-Z axis.





G.N.R. Analytical Instrument Group

Via Torino 7, Agrate Conturbia 28010 (NO)

0039 0322 882911

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