15/02/2009 12:25

X-RED 3000

Multifunctional and Simultaneous Diffractometer System.
Many scientist are studying phase transitions of materials, in order to understand their properties. Other physical methods can be used, but only diffraction is able to provide information on the global structure of the compound. One common problem is the control, during the acquisition time, of phase changes in the sample. Using X-RED 3000, from the beginning of the run, the user can visualised the entire diffractogram, practically in real time; so that a sample evolution is immediately visible.
The X-RED 3000 offers solutions for a wide range of analytical problems, from routine qualitative and quantitative analysis, to residual-stress analysis, non-ambient analyses, retained austenite quantification, crystallite size/lattice strain and crystallinity calculations, phase transitions and transformations, kinetics & non-equilibrium phenomena.





G.N.R. Analytical Instrument Group

Via Torino 7, Agrate Conturbia 28010 (NO)

0039 0322 882911

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