The optical emission portable spectrometer ESA PORT employs specifically dedicated CCD optical systems, which allow to offer a large analytical flexibility.

The instrument is small sized and can be brought and used everywhere, from production department to warehouse.

ESA PORT is an ideal instrument for PMI controls, for material sorting, for incoming and outcoming quality controls.

The instrument is extremely functional and allows the rapid identification of all metal alloys and the analysis of elements such as C, Al, Si and Mg. It is, for this reason, competitive to the portable X ray portable systems, because it has a bigger analytical capacity and is not submitted to restrictions related to radiogenic sources detection.

At the moment all functions are regulated by Pc and communications are made through optical fibres control system and using USB 2.0 technology.

ESA PORT is powered by net current or can be linked to an external battery.

A pratical and handy trolley makes it easy to be moved from a place to an other.

esaport.pdf (932,9 kB)


G.N.R. Analytical Instrument Group

Via Torino 7, Agrate Conturbia 28010 (NO)

0039 0322 882911

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