Metal Lab
Optical emission spectrometer Metal Lab is a multi-matrix instrument able to analyse any metal alloy.
The up-to-date model is the outcome of over 20 years experience, during which it has regularly been updated using advanced components.
At the moment all functions are regulated by Pc and communications are made through optical fibres control system and using USB 2.0 technology.
GNR in 1995 has created the first OES spectrometry software, completely written for Windows. The spectrometer operation software, compatible with XP Windows, allows an immediate and simple employ, enabling, in the meantime, the expert operator to interact, exploiting the significant software potentials.
Thanks to its modularity it is produced in several configurations which make it an extremely versatile instrument, suitable for any application, form foundry to mechanical industry, from scrap recycling to analysis and research lab.
In fact, it is possible, thanks to the employ of multi-optical systems, to modulate configuartion up to 60 elements.
A particular optional system with mobile arm and sample head allows to extend the analysis possibility to very big pieces without having to destroy the sample to be analysed.
G.N.R. Analytical Instrument GroupVia Torino 7, Agrate Conturbia 28010 (NO)
0039 0322 882911