X-Ray Systems
15/02/2009 12:26
Stress-X 3000
Residual Stress X-ray Portable Diffractometer.
StressX-3000 is the latest portable X-ray diffraction system designed for the analysis of residual stress and the calculation of the percentage of retained austenite.
Residual stress is due to thermal treatments, mechanical processes, welding...
15/02/2009 12:25
IPD 3000
The IPD3000, Imaging Plate Diffractometer, is designed for a complete diffractometric analysis without the need of any motor nor any electronic detector. The measurement is obtained by means of imaging plates (they can be used thousands of times!), on which the diffracted rays are revealed thanks...
15/02/2009 12:25
X-RED 3000
Multifunctional and Simultaneous Diffractometer System.
Many scientist are studying phase transitions of materials, in order to understand their properties. Other physical methods can be used, but only diffraction is able to provide information on the global structure of the compound. One common...
15/02/2009 10:06
HRD 3000
High Resolution X-ray Diffractometer.
The HRD 3000 high resolution diffraction system incorporates the most advanced digital electronics, computers and Microsoft’s Windows 98/ME/2000/XP operating system. Exact angular positions of the goniometer circles are guaranteed by a well-devised...
15/02/2009 10:04
APD 2000
Multi Functional X-ray Diffractometer.
High speed rate (1000°/min) and high precision angle reproducibility (±0.001°) provide fast measurement and highly reliable data. The goniometer is essentially composed of two precision gear-wheels, supported by high precision ball races. Each...
G.N.R. Analytical Instrument GroupVia Torino 7, Agrate Conturbia 28010 (NO)
0039 0322 882911
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